Since the inception of this organization we have been providing three or more scholarships each year to students with sickle cell disease who are pursuing higher education.
To date we have given over $100,000 in scholarships to new and past recipients.
In 2024 we awarded $12,700 to students with a scholarship toward college tuition.
Congratulations to our scholarship awardees:
2024 Scholarship Recipients
Kelvin Asamoah
Deanna Brown
Trinity Cole
Ashley Jennings
Olabimpe Olayiwola
Breanna Omosebi
Taj Simon
Taylor Smith
Solange Stewart
Frank Tavarez-Mora
2024 Scholarship Donors
Dr. Tartania Brown
Donya Becton
Love & Fashion
Ms. Jean DeVeaux
Ms. Pat Farrar
Ms. Peggy Forest
Dr. David Holson
Ms. Latiffah Abdul-Jabbar
Mrs. Erika Levack
Ms. Dolores Thompson
Sponsor a Scholarship
Give a $500 donation and a past recipient scholarship will be in your name. Acknowledgment will be on our website for 1 year and in our annual holiday newsletter.
Give a donation of $1000 or more, and a scholarship will be given in your name. Acknowledgment will be on our website for 1 year and in our holiday newsletter. You will also receive a complimentary ticket to our bi-annual luncheon.